面向动态星图的星点匹配和端到端识别技术研究 [24/08/26]
高精度星敏感器星图识别算法研究 [24/08/26]
基于动态夹角的星图识别算法研究 [24/08/26]
基于星敏感器的星图识别算法的研究 [24/08/26]
天文指向中星图快速匹配技术研究 [24/08/26]
提高卫星图像中道路提取质量的特征增强方法研究 [24/08/26]
星敏感器全天区星图识别算法的研究及FPGA实现 [24/08/26]
Two Packaging Solutions for High Temperature SiC Diode Sensors [24/08/23]
Moiré materials under strain [24/08/22]
GB/T 19953-2005 数码照相机分辨率的测量 [24/08/20]
Research on reflective intensity-modulated fibre-optical pressure sensor based on desensitisation of temperature compensation method [24/08/16]
Sixth International Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications (WSOF) [24/08/16]
Soft and hard trimming of imprint resist masks to fabricate silicon nanodisk arrays with different edge roughness [24/08/15]
基于深度学习的水下图像增强处理研究 [24/08/13]
基于深度网络和成像模型的水下图像增强算法研究 [24/08/13]
Telecom Fibers Are Sensing Earthquake Hazards in Istanbul [24/08/13]
Elastic wave control in reticulated plates using Schwarz primitive cells [24/08/13]
Development and Testing of PERSEUS: A DIABLO-based Pneumatic Drill for Borehole Seismometer Deployment [24/08/07]
Infrared Color-Sorting Metasurface [24/08/06]
SiC MOSFET栅氧化层可靠性和NBTI效应研究 [24/08/05]
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