少数训练样本情况下红外目标检测与识别关键技术研究 [24/09/19]
复杂背景下可见及红外目标的快速检测算法研究 [24/09/19]
基于网络轻量化的实时红外目标检测关键技术研究 [24/09/19]
复杂背景下的弱小红外目标检测 [24/09/19]
Antifouling performance against SiO2 particulate matter adhesion of cyclo olefin polymer nanopillar surfaces [24/09/19]
基于II 类超晶格的中波红外高速光电探测器的研究 [24/09/12]
A ‘programming’ framework for recurrent neural networks [24/09/12]
基于 InGaAsGaAsSb 二类超晶格的延长短波红外探测器 [24/09/12]
Widely tunable single-mode interband cascade lasers based on V-coupled cavities and dependence on design parameters [24/09/09]
Generation of broadband optical chaos at mid-infrared wavelength with an interband cascade laserGeneration of broadband optical chaos at mid-infrared wavelength with an interband cascade laser [24/09/09]
Continuous wave interband cascade lasers near 13 μm [24/09/09]
Full-band modeling of AM and FM interband cascade laser frequency combs [24/09/09]
Achieving optical transparency in live animals with absorbing molecules [24/09/09]
Fabrication of hollow silicon microneedles using grayscale lithography and deep reactive ion etching [24/08/28]
氮化镓激光器的特性及失效分析 [24/08/28]
GaN基绿光激光器的MOCVD生长及表征 [24/08/27]
Strong anisotropic third-harmonic generation in layered violet phosphorus [24/08/27]
宇航用GaN功率器件辐射效应研究 [24/08/26]
AlGaNGaN_HEMT器件可靠性研究 [24/08/26]
Accurate computation of quantum excited states with neural networks [24/08/26]
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