高精度低功耗运算放大器的研究与设计 [25/02/20]
数字集成电路的抗辐照设计 [25/02/20]
日盲紫外光通信系统设计及性能优化方案研究 [25/02/20]
分层流体中扰动激发内波理论与数值研究 [25/02/19]
Towards Sustainable Precision Machine Learning for Laser Micromachining Optimization [25/02/14]
Electron beam and scanning probe lithography A comparison [25/02/12]
Undercooling driven growth of Q-carbon, diamond, and graphite [25/02/12]
Seismic Instrumentation and Its Application [25/02/10]
太赫兹光频梳与单模激光器的多外差混频研究 [25/01/26]
Wide-bandgap semiconductors and power electronics as pathways to carbon neutrality [25/01/23]
Acrobatics at the insect scale A durable, precise, and agile micro–aerial robot [25/01/17]
Development of aspect ratio trapping growth of GeSn on Si for midwave infrared applications [25/01/16]
GBT 26829-2011 脉冲激光测距仪测距参数的室内测试方法 [25/01/15]
GBIT 41209-2021 月球与行星探测激光测距仪通用规范 [25/01/15]
GBIT 29299-2012 半导体激光测距仪通用技术条件 [25/01/15]
GBIT 14267-2009 光电测距仪 [25/01/15]
Physical limitations on the frequency response of a semiconductor surface inversion layer [25/01/08]
Pseudo-nanostructure and trapped-hole release induce high thermoelectric performance in PbTe [25/01/08]
Electromagnetic mirrors in the sky: Accessible applications of Maxwell's equations [25/01/07]
Memristor-based hardware accelerators for artificial intelligence [25/01/06]
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