SiC MOS器件栅氧界面特性及可靠性失效机理研究 [24/10/23]
基于深度学习的焊缝超声相控阵检测缺陷识别与定位 [24/10/21]
基于深度学习的车轴压装部超声检测缺陷识别与定位 [24/10/21]
基于深度学习的PCB超声图像缺陷检测和识别 [24/10/21]
Low temperature bonding of heterogeneous materials using Al2O3 as an intermediate layer [24/10/16]
Multibeam focusing using single-layer checkerboard metasurface [24/10/16]
半导体器件模拟的网格划分与加密 [24/10/12]
Enhanced performance of flexible LED by low-temperature annealing [24/10/10]
Pulsed high-density plasmas for advanced dry etching processes [24/10/09]
Medium- and long-wavelength InAsInAsSb strained-layer superlattices for applications in infrared nBn detectors [24/10/08]
Fourier transform infrared nano-spectroscopy Mechanism and applications [24/09/30]
Taking control Steering the future of biohybrid robots [24/09/29]
Unveiling the relationship between Fabry-Perot laser structures and optical field distribution via symbolic regression [24/09/29]
Signal detection techniques for scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy [24/09/29]
带间级联激光器动态特性与超混沌的研究 [24/09/29]
980nm高峰值垂直腔面发射激光器 [24/09/25]
垂直腔面发射激光器的偏振控制及两模面发射激光器的研究 [24/09/25]
少模垂直腔面发射激光器及优化台面排布的面发射激光阵列的研究 [24/09/25]
A skin-interfaced microfluidic platform supports dynamic sweat biochemical analysis during human exercise [24/09/24]
InAsGaAsSb量子点外延生长与光学特性研究 [24/09/24]
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