宋国峰, 男,博士,正高级工程师,博士生导师。
2001年至今在中科院半导体所主要从事半导体光电材料及器件的研究工作,在表面等离子体有源光学器件的研究方面,提出并开展了部分模拟设计和制备工作。制作出650 nm波段300nm孔径出光功率达到1.7mW以上的微小孔径激光器,并研究了器件的各种性能和物理机制,工作成果已达国际先进水平。表面等离子体激光器研究成果被 Nature Photonics作为研究亮点在其期刊上发表了相关评述(vol. 1, 2007年9月),纳米光源的研究成果2005年8月被美国 Laser Focus World杂志作为Newsbreaks报道,纳米光源应用的研究成果被Photonic Spectrum 2006年6月作为研究亮点进行了报道。对表面等离子激元的局域增强效应等开展了初步的研究,对应用表面等离子激元的太阳能电池、生物探测、传感测量、慢光效应器件、人工电磁介质器件,波导器件等开展了初步的模拟分析、纳米结构加工制备的探索研究。已在国内外学术刊物及国际学术会议上发表了多篇论文。
电话:010-82304183; E-mail:sgf@semi.ac.cn
1. Qiaoqiang Gan, Guofeng Song, Yun Xu, et al. "Performance analysis of very-small-aperture laser". Optics Letters 30, 1470 (2005).
2. Qiaoqiang Gan, Guofeng Song, Yun Xu, et al. "Enhancement of the far-field output power and the properties of the very-small-aperture lasers", Appl. Phys. B-Lasers and Optics 81, 503(2005).
3. Qiaoqiang Gan, Guofeng Song, Guohua Yang, et al. "Detect the sub-wavelength data by applying a very-small-aperture laser", Laser Physics Letters 3, 185 (2006).
4. Qiaoqiang Gan, Guofeng Song, Guohua Yang, et al. "Near-field scanning optical
microscopy with an active probe", Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 121111 (2006).
5. Qiaoqiang Gan, Guofeng Song, Lianghui Chen. "Oil-Immersion or Solid-Immersion
Very-Small-Aperture Lasers", Laser Physics Letters 3, 278 (2006)
6. Qiaoqiang Gan, Guofeng Song, Yun Xu, et al. "Metal film effect on performance of very-small-aperture lasers", Appl. Phys. B-Lasers and Optics 82, 595 (2006).
7 Jianxia Gao, Guofeng Song, Qiaoqiang Gan, Baoshan Guo, Lianghui Chen. Surface plasmon modulated nano-aperture vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser. Laser Phys. Lett. 2007(3):234.
8. Baoshan Guo, Qiaoqiang Gan, Guofeng Song, Jianxia Gao, Lianghui Chen. “Numerical Study of a High-Resolution Far-Field Scanning Optical Microscope via a Suface Plasmon-Modulated Light Source,” J. Lightwave Technol. 25, 830 (2007).
9. Baoshan Guo, Guofeng Song, Lianghui Chen, “Plasmonic very-small-aperture lasers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 021103 (2007).
10. Qiaoqiang Gan, Baoshan Guo, Guofeng Song, Lianghui Chen, Zhan Fu, Yujie J. Ding, and Filbert J. Bartoli, “Plasmonic surface-wave splitter,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 161130 (2007).
11. Baoshan Guo, Guofeng Song, Lianghui Chen,. "Mechanism of enhancing output power of plasmonic very-small-aperture lasers ", Appl. Phys. B-Lasers and Optics 90 (2008).
12. Baoshan Guo, Guofeng Song, Lianghui Chen, "Enhancement of the far-field output power and the beam properties of plasmonic very small aperture lasers", J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10 (2008).
13. Y. Xu, L. Chen, Y. Li, G.Song, Applied Physics Letters,92,021129,2008
14. Bai, WL (Bai, Wenli); Gan, QQ (Gan, Qiaoqiang); Bartoli, F (Bartoli, Filbert); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing); Cai, LK (Cai, Likang); Huang, YD (Huang, Yidong); Song, GF (Song, Guofeng) ,Design of plasmonic back structures for efficiency enhancement of thin-film amorphous Si solar cells, OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (23): 3725-3727 DEC 1 2009
15.Guo, BS (Guo, Baoshan); Song, GF (Song, Guofeng); Chen, LH (Chen, Lianghui),Resonant Enhanced Wave Filter and Waveguide via Surface Plasmons,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, 8 (3): 408-411 MAY 2009
16.Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing); Cai, LK (Cai, Likang); Bai, WL (Bai, Wenli); Xu, Y (Xu, Yun); Song, GF (Song, Guofeng) Slow light at terahertz frequencies in surface plasmon polariton assisted grating waveguide, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106 (10): Art. No. 103715 NOV 15 2009
17. Xu, Y (Xu, Y.); Hu, H (Hu, H.); Chen, L (Chen, L.); Song, G (Song, G.); Zhuang, W (Zhuang, W.),Title: Analysis on the high luminous flux white light from GaN-based laser diode ,APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 98 (1): 83-86 JAN 2010
18.Jing Zhang,Likang Cai, Wenli Bai, Guofeng Song, Flat Surface Plasmon Polariton Bands in Bragg Grating Waveguide for Slow Light, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. vol.28, No.14, 2010
19. Jing Zhang,Likang Cai, Wenli Bai, Guofeng Song, Hybrid waveguide-plasmon resonance in gold pillar array on top of waveguide,optics letter vol.35,No.20,2010
20. Wenli Bai,Qiaoqiang Gan,Guofeng Song,Lianghui Chen, Zakya Kafafi, and Filbert Bartoli,Broadband Short-Range Surface Plasmon Structures for Absorption Enhancement in Organic Photovoltaic,optics express Vol.18,No.104 (2010)
21. Likang Cai, Jing Zhang, Wenli Bai, Qing Wang, Xin Wei, Guofeng Song, Spatial mode selection by the phase modulation of subwavelength plasmonic grating,plasmonics, Volume 5,Number 4 (2010) 5:423-428
22. LinaWang, Likang Cai, Jing Zhang,Wenli Bai, Haifeng Hu and Guofeng Song, Design of plasmonic bowtie nanoring with high sensitivity and reproducibility for surface enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy,Journal of Raman Spectroscopy(J. Raman Spectrosc.) 2010, 41, 0
23. Likang Cai, Jing Zhang, Wenli Bai, Qing Wang, Xin Wei, Guofeng Song, Generation of compact radially polarized beam at 850nm in vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser via plasmonic modulation, Applied Physics Letters, 97, 201101 (2010).