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Advances in Information Optics and Photonics

Advances in Information Optics and Photonics (SPIE Press Book)

Editor(s): Ari T. Friberg; René Dändliker
This volume is the sixth in a series of books initiated in 1989 by the International Commission for Optics (ICO). These books highlight the advances and trends in the research and development of optical sciences, technologies, and applications at the time of their publication.

In this age of the photon, information optics and photonics represent the key technologies to sustain our knowledge-based society. New concepts in classical and quantum-entangled light, coherent interaction with matter, and novel materials and processes have led to remarkable advances in today's information science and technology. The ICO is closely involved with information optics, as exemplified by the ICO topical meeting on Optoinformatics / Information Photonics (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2006), the ICO/ICTP Winter College on Quantum and Classical Aspects of Information Optics (Trieste, Italy, 2006), and the many ICO Prizes recently awarded on outstanding contributions on these topics. This book is in part based on these ICO activities.

This volume contains a collection of 32 chapters from internationally leading scientists and research groups on a variety of topics in information optics and photonics, including the 2003-2006 ICO Prize winners. The chapters are divided into 7 sections: Beam Optics; Laser Photonics and Components; Electromagnetic Coherence; Imaging, Microscopy, Holography, and Materials; Photonic Processing; Quantum Information and Matter; and Communications and Networks.

This volume was edited by Ari T. Friberg, ICO President, and René Dändliker, ICO Past President (2005-2008). Dr. Friberg is Professor of Optics at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, and Finland Distinguished Professor at Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) and the University of Joensuu, Finland. Dr. Dändliker is Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and President of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Table of Contents

List of Contributors ix
Preface xv
ICO International Trends in Optics Series History xix
I. Beam Optics
1. First-Order Optical Systems for Information Processing
Tatiana Alieva
2. Applications of the Wigner Distribution to Partially Coherent Light Beams
Martin J. Bastiaans
3. Characterization of Elliptic Dark Hollow Beams
Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega
4. Transfer of Information Using Helically Phased Modes
Miles Padgett, Graham Gibson, and Johannes Courtial
II. Laser Photonics and Components
5. Microoptical Components for Information Optics and Photonics
Christof Debaes, Heidi Ottevaere, and Hugo Thienpont
6. Intracavity Coherent Addition of Lasers
Vardit Eckhouse, Amiel A. Ishaaya, Liran Shimshi, Nir Davidson, and Asher A. Friesem
7. Light Confinement in Photonic Crystal Microcavities
Philippe Lalanne and Christophe Sauvan
8. Limits to Optical Components
David A. B. Miller
III. Electromagnetic Coherence
9. An Overview of Coherence and Polarization Properties for Multicomponent Electromagnetic Waves
Alfredo Luis
10. Intrinsic Degrees of Coherence for Electromagnetic Fields
Philippe Réfrégier and Antoine Roueff
IV. Imaging, Microscopy, Holography, and Materials
11. Digital Computational Imaging
Leonid Yaroslavsky
12. Superresolution Processing of the Response in Scanning Differential Heterodyne Microscopy
Dmitry V. Baranov and Evgeny M. Zolotov
13. Fourier Holography Techniques for Artificial Intelligence
Alexander V. Pavlov
14. Division of Recording Plane for Multiple Recording and Its Digital Reconstruction Based on Fourier Optics
Guoguang Mu and Hongchen Zhai
15. Fundamentals and Advances in Holographic Materials for Optical Data Storage
Maria L. Calvo and Pavel Cheben
16. Holographic Data Storage in Low-Shrinkage Doped Photopolymer
Shiuan Huei Lin, Matthias Gruber, Yi-Nan Hsiao, and Ken Y. Hsu
V. Photonic Processing
17. Temporal Optical Processing Based on Talbot's Effects
Jürgen Jahns, Adolf W. Lohmann, and Hans Knuppertz
18. Spectral Line-by-Line Shaping
Andrew M. Weiner, Chen-Bin Huang, Zhi Jiang, Daniel E. Leaird, and Jose Caraquitena
19. Optical Processing with Longitudinally Decomposed Ultrashort Optical Pulses
Robert Saperstein and Yeshaiahu Fainman
20. Ultrafast Information Transmission by Quasi-Discrete Spectral Supercontinuum
Mikhail A. Bakhtin, Victor G. Bespalov, Vitali N. Krylov, Yuri A. Shpolyanskiy, and Sergei A. Kozlov
VI. Quantum Information and Matter
21. Noise in Classical and Quantum Photon-Correlation Imaging
Bahaa E. A. Saleh and Malvin Carl Teich
22. Spectral and Correlation Properties of Two-Photon Light
Maria V. Chekhova
23. Entanglement-Based Quantum Communication
Alexios Beveratos and Sébastien Tanzilli
24. Exploiting Optomechanical Interactions in Quantum Information
Claudiu Genes, David Vitali, and Paolo Tombesi
25. Optimal Approximation of Non-Physical Maps via Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Vladimír Bužek, Mário Ziman, and Martin Plesch
26. Quantum Processing Photonic States in Optical Lattices
Christine A. Muschik, Inés de Vega, Diego Porras, and J. Ignacio Cirac
27. Strongly Correlated Quantum Phases of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
Immanuel Bloch
VII. Communications and Networks
28. The Intimate Integration of Photonics and Electronics
Ashok V. Krishnamoorthy
29. Echelle and Arrayed Waveguide Gratings for WDM and Spectral Analysis
Pavel Cheben, André Delâge, Siegfried Janz, and Dan-Xia Xu
30. Silicon Photonics—Recent Advances in Device Development
Andrew P. Knights and J. K. Doylend
31. Toward Photonic Integrated Circuit All-Optical Signal Processing Base on Kerr Nonlinearities
David J. Moss and Benjamin J. Eggleton
32. Ultrafast Photonic Processing Applied to Photonic Networks
Hideyuki Sotobayashi