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Introduction to Spintronics [2009-06-30] |
索书号:219/B214 Table of Contents
Spin The Bohr Planetary Model and Space Quantization The Birth of “Spin” The Stern-Gerlach Experiment The Advent of Spintronics THE QUANTUM MECHANICS OF SPIN Pauli Spin Matrices The Pauli Equation and Spinors More on the Pauli Equation Extending the Pauli Equation - the Dirac Equation The Time Independent Dirac Equation Appendix THE BLOCH SPHERE The Spinor and the “Qubit” The Bloch Sphere Concept EVOLUTION OF A SPINOR Spin-1/2 Particle in a Constant Magnetic Field: Larmor Precession Preparing to Derive the Rabi Formula The Rabi Formula THE DENSITY MATRIX The Density Matrix Concept: Case of a Pure State Properties of the Density Matrix Pure Versus Mixed State Concept of the Bloch Ball Time Evolution of the Density Matrix: Case of Mixed State The Relaxation Times T1 and T2 and the Bloch Equations SPIN ORBIT INTERACTION Spin Orbit Interaction in a Solid MAGNETO-ELECTRIC SUBBANDS IN QUANTUM CONFINED STRUCTURES IN THE PRESENCE OF SPIN-ORBIT INTERACTION Dispersion Relations of Spin Resolved Magneto-Electric Subbands and Eigenspinors in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Interaction Dispersion Relations of Spin Resolved Magneto-Electric Subbands and Eigenspinors in a One-Dimensional Electron Gas in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Interaction Magnetic Field Perpendicular to Wire Axis and the Electric Field Causing Rashba Effect Eigenenergies of Spin Resolved Subbands and Eigenspinors in a Quantum Dot in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Interaction Why Are the Dispersion Relations Important? The Three Types of Hall Effect SPIN RELAXATION Spin Relaxation Mechanisms Spin relaxation in a quantum dot Is the Effective Magnetic Field due to Spin-Orbit Interaction Proportional to v or k? The Spin Galvanic Effect EXCHANGE INTERACTION Identical Particles and the Pauli Exclusion Principle Hartree and Hartree-Fock Approximations The Role of Exchange in Ferromagnetism The Heisenberg Hamiltonian SPIN TRANSPORT IN SOLIDS The Drift-Diffusion Model The Semiclassical Model Concluding Remarks PASSIVE SPINTRONIC DEVICES AND RELATED CONCEPTS Spin Valve Spin Injection Efficiency Hysteresis in Spin Valve Magnetoresistance Giant Magnetoresistance Spin Accumulation Spin Injection Across a Ferromagnet/Metal Interface Spin Injection in a Ferromagnet/Semiconductor/Ferromagnet Spin Valve Spin Extraction at a Ferromagnetic Contact/Semiconductor Interface HYBRID SPINTRONICS Spin based transistors Spin Field Effect Transistors (SPINFET) Device Performance of SPINFETs Power Dissipation Estimates Other Types of SPINFETs The Importance of the Spin Injection Efficiency Transconductance, Gain, Bandwidth and Isolation Spin Bipolar Junction Transistors (SBJT) GMR-based Transistors Concluding Remarks MONOLITHIC SPINTRONICS Monolithic Spintronics Reading and Writing Single Spin Single Spin Logic Energy Dissipation Issues Comparison Between Hybrid and Monolithic Spintronics Concluding Remarks QUANTUM COMPUTING WITH SPINS The Quantum Inverter Can the NAND Gate Be Switched Without Dissipating Energy? Universal Reversible Gate: The Toffoli-Fredkin Gate A-Matrix Quantum Gates Qubits Superposition States Quantum Parallelism Universal Quantum Gates A 2-Qubit “Spintronic” Universal Quantum Gate Conclusion A QUANTUM MECHANICS PRIMER Blackbody Radiation and Quantization of Electromagnetic Energy The Concept of the Photon Wave-Particle Duality and the De Broglie Wavelength Postulates of Quantum Mechanics Some Elements of Semiconductor Physics: Particular Applications in Nanostructures The Rayleigh-Ritz Variational Procedure The Transfer Matrix Formalism |