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Image Processing for Remote Sensing

C.H. Chen,  University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth, USA


Polarimetric SAR Techniques for Remote Sensing of the Ocean Surface, D.L. Schuler, J.-S. Lee, and D. Kasilingam
MRF-Based Remote-Sensing Image Classification with Automatic Model Parameter Estimation, S.B. Serpico and G. Moser
Random Forest Classification of Remote Sensing Data, S.R. Joelsson, J.A. Benediktsson, and J.R. Sveinsson
Supervised Image Classification of Multi-Spectral Images Based on Statistical Machine Learning, R. Nishii and S. Eguchi
Unsupervised Change Detection in Multi-Temporal SAR Images, L. Bruzzone and F. Bovolo
Change-Detection Methods for Location of Mines in SAR Imagery, M. Tates, N. Nasrabadi, H. Kwon, and C. White
Vertex Component Analysis: A Geometric-Based
Approach to Unmix Hyperspectral Data, J.M.B. Dias and J.M.P. Nascimento
Two ICA Approaches for SAR Image Enhancement, C.H. Chen, X. Wang, and S. Chitroub
Long-Range Dependence Models for the Analysis and Discrimination of Sea-Surface Anomalies in Sea SAR Imagery, M. Bertacca, F. Berizzi, and E.D. Mese
Spatial Techniques for Image Classification, S. Aksoy
Data Fusion for Remote-Sensing Applications, A.H.S. Solberg
The Hermite Transform: An Efficient Tool for Noise Reduction and Image Fusion in Remote-Sensing, B. Escalante-Ramírez and A.A. López-Caloca
Multi-Sensor Approach to Automated Classification of Sea Ice Image Data, A.V. Bogdanov, S. Sandven, O.M. Johannessen, V.Yu. Alexandrov, and L.P. Bobylev
Use of the Bradley–Terry Model to Assess Uncertainty in an Error Matrix from a Hierarchical Segmentation of an ASTER Image, A. Stein, G. Gort, and A. Lucieer
SAR Image Classification by Support Vector Machine, M. Yoshioka, T. Fujinaka, and S. Omatu
Quality Assessment of Remote-Sensing Multi-Band Optical Images, B. Aiazzi, L. Alparone, S. Baronti, and M. Selva Index